In these workshops, participants will consider how the responsibilities of principals have expanded to include not only managerial tasks but also the responsibilities of instructional leaders. This transformation demands visionary building leaders who must be able to accept different pedagogies and education structures in order to focus on every student’s individual learning needs. To succeed, school leaders must understand why the current paradigm is inadequate and embrace personalized compet
In these workshops, participants will consider how the responsibilities of principals have expanded to include not only managerial tasks but also the responsibilities of instructional leaders. This transformation demands visionary building leaders who must be able to accept different pedagogies and education structures in order to focus on every student’s individual learning needs. To succeed, school leaders must understand why the current paradigm is inadequate and embrace personalized competency-based education (PCBE), which marries the ideas of personalized learning opportunities and individualized pacing of the academic content students are expected to master, as the solution. To implement PCBE, the authors offer the evolutionary triad, a framework consisting of three main elements: (1) the transformational instructional leader, (2) the optimistic teacher, and (3) the engaged student.
Learning outcomes may include:
• Understand the benefits of competency-based education
• Discover how to shift from traditional practices to a high reliability, competency-based system
• Review sixteen school-level indicators that Marzano Academies schools implement
• Learn how school leaders can collectively monitor and respond to lagging indicators
• Receive and adapt research-based strategies and tools to address schools’ specific needs
*** You must attend all three sessions in order to earn the half PTSB credit.