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The School Wellness Wheel Virtual PD
Offered By : Wyoming Department of Education

Course ID : 62

Greg Figenser is an associate for Marzano Resources, and will provide outstanding training for Wyoming leaders and teachers on The School Wellness Wheel. The School Wellness Wheel by Mike Ruyle, Libby Child, and Nancy Dome, is backed by educational, psychological, and medical research. This training will show you how to address trauma, promote well-being, and elevate learning in the classroom. The two-part training (3 hours per training and a 1-hour homework assignment) will focus on: Underst

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Elementary Secondary Statewide System of Support (SSoS)
Credits Available
0.50 PTSB Recertification Credit
No fee.
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Wyoming Department of Education

122 W. 25th St. Suite E200

Cheyenne, WY 82002

Phone: (307) 777-7675 

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