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Overview of MTSS Fall Offering (MTSS 101 Training Series)
Offered By : Wyoming Department of Education

Course ID : 80

During this introduction to the series, participants will learn about the basics of MTSS. Additionally, participants will learn about why this framework is important and how it aligns systems. ***In order to earn credit for MTSS 101, you must attend all 4 PD Trainings (Overview, Screening, Multi-Level Prevention System, and Progress Monitoring).

Elementary Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Secondary Statewide System of Support (SSoS)
Credits Available
0.50 PTSB Recertification Credit
No fee.
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Section 1
Overview of MTSS Fall Offering (MTSS 101 Training Series)   Sep 11, 2024

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Section 1
Overview of MTSS Fall Offering (MTSS 101 Training Series)
Section ID : 109
Section Creator: Stephanie Benboe
Please log in to email instructor/section creator.
Enrolled: 14/150
Waitlist: 0/15

Course is offered Online: Contact instructor for more information.
Registration Closes: September 11, 2024 11:59 pm
Special Notes:

Remember - you must attend all 4 offerings available in the MTSS 101 Training Series in order to earn 0.5 PTSB credits. Zoom Link: https://air-org.zoom.us/j/9060832095?omn=96407946230#success

Meeting Times

Date Start Time End Time
September 11, 2024 3:45 pm 5:00 pm

Wyoming Department of Education

122 W. 25th St. Suite E200

Cheyenne, WY 82002

Phone: (307) 777-7675 

© Copyright 2024 Wyoming Department of Education